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199 resources found
Physical Activity and Exercise Pathfinder
This handout has information on websites and resources for people who want support with physical activity and exercise after cancer diagnosis or while going through treatment. Created by the Waterloo Regional Cancer Program.
Head & Neck Cancer Pathfinder
This handout has information on websites and resources for people with head and neck cancer. Created by the Waterloo Regional Cancer Program.
Prevention & Screening - Waterloo Wellington Regional Cancer Program
Link to the WWRCP page on cancer prevention and screening.
Grief & Loss Support Services - Waterloo Region
Pamphlet from Hospice Waterloo.
Understanding Ovarian Cancer
A patient guidebook created by Ovarian Cancer Canada. This link will open in a new window.
Navigating Nutrition and Pancreatic Cancer Webinar
Created by the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, this webinar goes through the importance of nutrition through every stage of pancreatic cancer.
Understanding Myeloma Bone DiseaseShare
This booklet is focused on therapies given to patients with myeloma bone involvement. Bisphosphonate therapy is not treatment for myeloma, but it does help to prevent skeletal complications of myeloma. Monoclonal antibody therapy targets a protein which controls bone regeneration and remodeling.
Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia - Information for the Newly Diagnosed
Download and print a copy of the "Essential Information: A Patient's Guide" from the Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia Foundation of Canada.
What is Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia? (ENG)
A brochure with an overview of what Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia is and how to connect with the WM Foundation of Canada. More information can be found online at
Qu'Est-Ce Que La Macroglobulinemie De Waldenstrom? (FRE)
La Waldentrom Macroglobulinemia Foundation of Canada est une OBNL affiliée à l’International Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia Foundation (IWMF) dont les objectifs sont de venir en aide aux personnes affectées par la maladie et à promouvoir des projets de recherche destinés à permettre leur guérison.
French translation for brochure "What is Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia"
Guidebooks - Ostomy Canada Society
Ostomy Canada Society is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to all people with an ostomy, and their families. This link shares access to 3 key online guidebooks:
1) A guide to living with a colostomy – 2nd Edition. 2022
2) A guide to living with an Ileostomy – 2nd Edition. 2022
3) A guide to living with an Ileal Conduit – 2nd Edition. 2022
Esophageal Cancer - NCCN Guidebook (2024)
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) is a not-for-profit alliance of 33 leading cancer centers devoted to patient care, research, and education. They create patient guidebooks specific to cancer disease sites.
Some books are available in multiple languages. Visit their website for more information: National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Home
Colon Cancer - NCCN Guidebook (2024)
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) is a not-for-profit alliance of 33 leading cancer centers devoted to patient care, research, and education. They create patient guidebooks specific to cancer disease sites.
Some books are available in multiple languages. Visit their website for more information: National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Home
Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancers - NCCN Patient Guidebook (2023)
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) is a not-for-profit alliance of 33 leading cancer centers devoted to patient care, research, and education. They create patient guidebooks specific to cancer disease sites.
Some books are available in multiple languages. Visit their website for more information: National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Home
Liver Cancer - NCCN Patient Guidebook (2023)
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) is a not-for-profit alliance of 33 leading cancer centers devoted to patient care, research, and education. They create patient guidebooks specific to cancer disease sites.
Some books are available in multiple languages. Visit their website for more information: National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Home