199 resources found

  • Pain Relief: A Guide for People with Cancer - Canadian Cancer Society Share

    This booklet was written to help you understand cancer pain. It talks about: causes and types of pain, ways to manage pain, the emotional side of pain and more.

  • Questions to Ask When You Have Cancer - Canadian Cancer Society Share

    Many people who are treated for cancer say that it's easy to feel overwhelmed by all the information you're given and the decisions you need to make. This booklet can help.

  • Radiation Therapy: A Guide for People with Cancer - Canadian Cancer Society Share

    This booklet is for people who have cancer and are about to start radiation therapy. you can use this booklet as a guide as you: talk to your healthcare team, get ready to start radiation therapy treatment, cope with side effects, and take care of yourself during and after treatment.

  • Thyroid Cancer: Understanding Your Diagnosis - Canadian Cancer Society Share

    The information in this brochure can help you and your family take the first steps in learning about thyroid cancer. A better understanding may give you a feeling of control and help you work with your healthcare team to choose the best care for you.

  • We're Here to Help - Canadian Cancer Society Share

    Learn about the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) support system for people affected by cancer. Through their programs the CCS help people manage life with cancer, find community and connection, and build wellness and resilience.

  • Experiencing Cancer During COVID-19 Share

    We know these are challenging and uncertain times. The Grand River Regional Cancer Program Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC), in partnership with the University of Waterloo EnTech group, have created this video to support patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal is to address some of the fears, anxieties, or concerns that our patients might be facing and offer ways to access support during this time

  • Advanced Care Planning Workbook - Ontario Edition Share

    This workbook is intended for everyone, at any age who is ready to start advanced care planning conversations. The Ontario Speak Up Campaign is coordinated by Hospice Palliative Care Ontario and provides education and Ontario based tools and resources that comply with Ontario laws.

  • Bone Health "Fridge Sheet" Share

    This is a "fridge sheet" and means that it is important that you have this close by (example: on your fridge). This sheet has key safety information in case you have any urgent questions or symptoms.

    This was created by Grand River Regional Cancer Centre. It is for people who are taking bone modifying medications.

  • Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Share

    Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) is a serious condition of the jaw where areas of dead bone become exposed and don't heal. This handout was created by Grand River Regional Cancer Centre and has information about ONJ, how to prevent it, and mouth (oral) care.

  • Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration Share

    This booklet will take you through key information about bone marrow biopsy and aspiration procedures. The booklet was created by Grand River Regional Cancer Centre.

  • Follow Up Care After Gynaecological Brachytherapy Share

    Radiation therapy to the pelvis can cause changes in the vagina, such as dryness, shortening and/or narrowing. Read this booklet for more information on what to expect. This booklet was created by Grand River Regional Cancer Centre.

  • Fertile Future - Cancer and Fertility Share

    A guide for young adults with questions about cancer and fertility.

  • Coping with Changes from Prostate Cancer & Treatment Share

    This booklet is for men diagnosed with prostate cancer. It will take you through common side effects of treatment and where to find more support. There are different types of treatments available for men with prostate cancer. The challenges and changes that accompany treatment can vary greatly from person to person.

  • Sex, Intimacy and Cancer - Canadian Cancer Society Share

    This booklet is for adults who have cancer. The goal of this booklet is to help you understand and deal with the ways that cancer and its treatment may affect your sexuality. Sexual partners may also find it helpful to read.

  • Cancer and Sexuality Share

    This booklet was created by Grand River Regional Cancer Centre. Living with a cancer diagnosis or its treatment can change how you see yourself. It may affect relationships in your life and may often include issues related to body image, feeling connected and sexual expression.