Income Options When You Can’t Work
If you can not work because of your cancer you may be able to apply for the resources below. If you think you might need this support, apply as soon as possible. Most of the paperwork can be found online.
Sick Benefits
You may have short and long-term sick benefits from your work.
Talk to your Human Resource department at work. They can give you specific details on the sick benefits you might be offered.
Employment Insurance (EI)
May offer up to 15 weeks of payment for people. Apply through Service Canada.
Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
People with a severe or long-lasting illness can apply to this plan if they have made payments into the CPP. Drug costs are not covered.
Ontario Works (OW) & Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
These programs can be accessed by people with low income. OW provides short-term emergency help. ODSP offers disability help for people with a long-lasting or severe illness. Drug costs are not covered.
Medication Reimbursement Specialist
A Medication Reimbursement Specialist (MRS) can help you and your family understand your drug coverage options.
If you have any concern about paying for your cancer drugs ask your health care team to refer you to the MRS.
A MRS works on site at Grand River Regional Cancer Centre, but can help with questions or concerns for any patient part of the WWRCP.
Drug Coverage Options