Updated on: Sep 09, 2022

Translation Services You Can Access For Free

If you or your loved one do not speak English, do not worry.

The Waterloo Wellington Regional Cancer Program can support you during your visits by using a translator service.

This professional service is offered over the phone. A registered translator will help to translate your entire medical appointment, medical information, health care details and follow up plans.

Please ask your health care team member to set up this service.

Telling us about this in advance lets your health care team prepare for your appointment and make the best use of your time.

Language Resources

Ontario Health - Cancer Care Ontario has a commitment to making language resources easily available to patients. WWRCP has access to many handouts and materials available in different languages such as:

  • Arabic
  • French
  • Italian
  • Punjabi
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Spanish
  • Tamil
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Urdu

Please note that some materials that are specific to the hospital (e.g. not created by Cancer Care Ontario) may not be available in the language above. Ask your team member to have the translator service help translate the information for you.