What is the Pain & Symptom Management Team?

The Pain & Symptom Management (PSM) Team can help you manage pain or symptoms from your cancer or treatment.

You can access the PSM team at any point through your cancer care.

You need a referral to the PSM team. Depending on how you are feeling and your symptoms your health care team may ask for your consent to send a referral to the PSM team. You can also ask for a referral yourself.

What can the PSM team help me with?

The PSM team can:

  • Help manage side effects from your cancer or treatment
  • Give information about community supports
  • Learn about your pain and what you need to manage
  • Help with advanced care planning
  • Work with your Oncologist and Oncology Nurse to improve your wellbeing

Where will the PSM team see me?

Your appointments or visits will be over the phone or in person depending on how you are feeling and how often the team needs to contact you.

What symptoms can PSM help with?

Your symptoms might be from treatment or from your cancer itself. PSM can help manage many different symptoms or concerns you have.

  • Pain
  • Nausea or throwing up
  • Tiredness or fatigue
  • Low appetite or having a hard time eating
  • Depression or anxiety