We have included information on how to find a healthcare provider for your pregnancy, resources for you while you are pregnant and/or expecting to become a parent, and what activities you may want to do to prepare yourself for your visit.
What to expect from your visit
When you first arrive at the hospital, please go straight to the Childbirth unit on 4D. The unit staff will help you prepare for your scheduled caesarean section, induction, or, if you are already in labour, they will assess you in the triage area.
Every patient giving birth vaginally at GRH will labour and give birth in one of our specially equipped private birthing rooms. Patients having a caesarean section will have surgery in a private operating room.
After delivery, we have private, semi-private, and standard rooms for you to choose from. There is an extra cost for semi-private and private rooms. Please note that all room requests are based on availability.
Starting one hour after the birth of your baby, you will be charged according to your preferred accommodation (ward, semi-private or private room), even if you remain in your birthing room.
If you are hospitalized during your pregnancy, you will be charged according to your preferred accommodation (ward, semi-private or private room).
Planning your birth experience
Your birth and postpartum preferences are important to us. In the registration package, there is a section for you to highlight any special requests you have about your birth experience, and help us identify if we have met your needs. We recommend you discuss this with your care provider for their opinion and advice as well.
Things to think about
- What are your preferences for the type of pushing you will do or the position for pushing and for birth?
- Would you or your partner like to cut the cord?
- Do you want to identify the sex of the baby yourself?
- Are you planning picture taking during or after the birth?
- Do you want some time alone as a new family?
- Do you plan to breastfeed the baby?
Click here to register for your free Prenatal ME Breastfeed Workshop.
- Do you have special dietary needs (vegetarian, Kosher, allergies, etc)?
- Do you have any special concerns or fears that we should know about? How can we help you?
- Do you have any religious requests that we can help accommodate?
- Are you planning to bank cord blood?

Touring the unit
We do not offer in-person tours of the Childbirth unit. However, we invite you to explore our self-guided virtual tour below.