We want to protect the health and safety of patients in our child and adolescent mental health. Here are some tips we offer before your stay:
- Wash your hands regularly. Good hand hygiene helps keep you healthy and control the spread of infectious diseases;
- Wear your hospital identification wristbands at all times. Please do not remove these wristbands;
- To reduce slips and falls please wear non-slip footwear. Let staff know if you fall, if you are afraid of falling or if you feel weak or dizzy;
- All snacks must be consumed in patient rooms and are not to be shared with other patients for infection control reasons;
- No smoking is permitted on hospital property. Please speak to staff for more information and possible nicotine replacement options; and
- The hospital has a scent-free policy.
Your privacy is important to us. Patients are given a ‘privacy code’ number which they may share with a couple of people to serve as family spokespeople.
When your family and friends call, they will be asked for the patient name and privacy code number. This lets staff know that you have given your permission to share general health information about you. Even without the code, staff may confirm your presence and disclose your location, unless you say not to.
You and your parent(s)/guardian(s) may be asked to sign special consent forms that will allow us to release any of your information to others outside of your circle of care. Your circle of care is made up of individuals and activities that are involved in your care and treatment; for example, your treatment team and your family doctor.
The things that you say or do during your stay are considered confidential and we treat your information with respect. However, information can be shared without your consent in situations where there is a serious risk of harm to someone or as required by law. This includes anything you may say about abuse and/or neglect (suspected or disclosed) that might impact the safety of yourself or others. In these circumstances, safety is more important than privacy. If this happens during your stay we will support you through these discussions, and help you understand why this action was necessary and what it means for you.