Pain Management Centre Dr Cook

Criteria for accessing the Pain Management Centre are as follows:

  • The patient must have a primary care provider willing to follow her/him during and after discharge from the pain program;
  • The primary care provider must be willing to manage patient prescriptions;
  • Patients must be 18 years of age and older; and
  • We do not address acute pain, chronic non musculoskeletal pain, daily headaches or known fibromyalgia.

The referral form as well as other rehabilitation referral forms are available on GRH’s centralized referral form page.

All referrals must be on our form as this makes it easier for us to recognize if information is missing. A focused referral question is helpful to guide patient care. We appreciate a complete referral form with all the necessary information to provide services quickly.

Please attach:
  • A complete medication list, including Coumadin, Plavix, ASA, opioids;
  • All pertinent imaging (CT, MRI, Bone Scan) if any; and
  • All related consults from other physicians including surgical reports if any.

After a family physician (health care provider) has completed and faxed the referral form, we will triage the referral to determine priority. If our program fits the needs, we will advise the family physician’s office of the next available appointment time.

Please note:
  • Due to the high number of referrals, there may be a wait period for non-urgent cases
  • We ask the provider’s office to notify the patient of their appointment at the pain management centre. The patient is welcome to contact the centre at 519-749-4300 extension 7860 to reschedule.