Your family doctor will refer you to the Pain Management Centre. Once we receive the referral, we will book an appointment from you based on the urgency of your health need.
Your family doctor will provide you with your appointment date. Please note:
- If you cannot make the appointment, please contact our receptionist at 519-749-4300 extension 7860 to reschedule; and
- We need a minimum of 48 hours’ notice for cancellations or rescheduling requests.
When you come in for your first appointment, please help us with the following preparations:
- Allow a minimum of one hour for this appointment;
- Come in 20 minutes in advance of your appointment so we can complete additional forms that can help us better understand your pain;
- Bring your health card, and WSIB information (if applicable)
- Bring a list of the medications and supplementsyou are taking, or bring the medications themselves; and
- Please dress in comfortable clothing if you need to change for your exam.
We will book you for your follow-up appointment during your first visit.
Procedures generally do not take place on the same day as your appointment. If you need a procedure, we will give you instructions to take home on how to prepare.
Follow up visits:
Injection visits: please bring a driver as treatment (intervention) may be provided and you may not be able to drive yourself home.
Sometimes the treatment offered will be a nerve block, or an intravenous infusion. These treatments may temporarily impair your ability to drive, either by causing sedation or by blocking sensation to a limb for several hours.