• An ambulance outside GRH
  • Paramedics supporting a patient
  • A CT scan image on a computer screen

Grand River Hospital is a partner in the Waterloo Wellington Integrated Stroke Program, which includes a number of health providers. We want to see fewer strokes, and better outcomes for stroke patients and their families.

Grand River Hospital provides emergency care, acute care after a stroke, and rehabilitation to restore function and quality of life.

Please note that our emergency and acute stroke services are provided at GRH’s KW Campus at 835 King Street West. Rehabilitation for stroke patients takes place at our Freeport Campus at 3570 King Street East.

A stroke happens in your brain. When you or a family member has symptoms, you need to dial 9-1-1 right away for the fastest care.

Please remember the FAST approach and call 9-1-1 if you have any of these symptoms, all of which appear suddenly:

• FACE: is it drooping?;

• ARMS: can you raise them both over your head?;

• SPEECH: is it slurred?;

• TIME to call 9-1-1 right away.

Fast Grh Website

Stories from GRH's stroke program