Protecting patient privacy is one of our highest priorities.
While GRH is a public building, we ask that you respect the privacy of those around you.
All photos, video, or audio at GRH must be taken with the consent of the people who will be included in the picture, video or sound. You cannot take photos or recordings without that consent.
A written consent may be required; please speak to a member of your care team.
Do not take pictures in public spaces. To protect the privacy of all of those we serve, you may be asked to delete any photo or video content taken without permission.
You may be asked to stop taking a photo, video or audio recording and delete any recordings taken if your actions interfere with care or services being provided.
Any photography shoots or audio/video productions for commercial, institutional, or educational purposes on GRH property or in GRH buildings require the coordination and approval of GRH's communications department prior to any photography or recording taking place. The communications department will arrange appropriate consents with patients and providers under GRH policy.
GRH's communications department will provide support for and accompany any media activity on GRH property or in GRH buildings, and arrange appropriate consents with patients and providers under GRH policy. Please contact communications prior to your visit to discuss your needs.
For any questions, contact the privacy office at privacy@grhosp.on.ca or a member of the communications team at comms.team@grhosp.on.ca.