We're excited to partner with Conestoga College to offer you the opportunity to grow your nursing career at Grand River Hospital. Click here to learn more about our nursing placements.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I arrange a placement?
Student placements are arranged through the GRH Professional Practice Coordinator at GRH and the placement office at Conestoga College. If you have obtained a placement at GRH, the placement office at Conestoga College will send you details on where you have been placed at GRH once this has been confirmed.
What do I do once my placement has been confirmed?
If your placement at GRH has been confirmed, you will need to complete the GRH welcome package pertaining to your placement. This information is included below.
It is important that you complete the correct package. If you are unsure of which package to complete, please contact GRH's placement coordinator or the placement office at Conestoga College to confirm.
- Click here for the preceptor package
- Click here for the group package
As part of your registration you will be asked to complete:
- Online mandatory eLearn training through our Edge portal
- Proof of immunization (submission of your up-to-date Conestoga College immunization passport)
- Respiratory fit testing (N95). Please ensure you check the GRH N95 types as you will need to be fitted to a size we stock. You can find this information in your GRH student package.
- Vulnerable Sector Screening Criminal Record Check
- Health Information System Training - GRH uses Cerner Millennium for clinical documentation. You only need to complete this training once. If you have been placed on one of our specialty units such as Childbirth, Emergency or the OR, additional training will be required. Conestoga College will provide you with training and orientation dates. If you have specific questions related to Cerner training please contact your clinical Instructor, PAS, or program coordinator.
Please note: Registration packages should be submitted 4 weeks prior to your start date. If this isn’t possible please ensure you speak to the Professional Practice Coordinator. Placements can’t begin until all pre-placement requirements have been completed and you have been cleared by the Professional Practice Coordinator.
For Conestoga Instructors
If you are an instructor through Conestoga College your package can be found by clicking this link.
If you have any questions regarding your placement contact:
Conestoga College Placement Office
Phone: 519-748-5220 x 3101
Email: placement_office@conestogac.on.ca
If you have any questions regarding the placement process at GRH contact:
GRH’s Professional Practice Coordinator
Email: student.coordinator@grhosp.on.ca