Posted: March 29, 2019

The Grand River Hospital community congratulates Donna Storozuk of our medical imaging service, who’s received a very special provincial honour.
Donna has won the Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Sciences’ (OAMRS) Patient Care Award for her exceptional care for individuals needing computed tomography (CT) studies. Donna is a Mohawk College alumna and has been a CT technologist at GRH since 1988.
Her nominator noted that:
- Donna’s goal is to be “the ONE good thing” in their experience and ensure their takeaway is a positive one;
- It’s not uncommon for patients to ask for Donna by name;
- She makes direct eye contact, offers an arm, and a warm giant smile when she introduce herself, like that person is her ONLY patient of the day; and
- She is known to offer a hug to patients and treats them like family.
Congratulations to Donna and thank you for your decades of exceptional care for GRH patients needing CT studies.