As she finishes her third decade in medical imaging, Donna Storozuk is quick to say how much she loves her role at Grand River Hospital.
Donna has worked at GRH since 1988. She currently works in the hospital’s CT suite, supporting a wide range of imaging studies for cancer, stroke, emergency and critical care.

While technology has moved ahead in leaps and bounds, Donna remains focused on her patients' needs. It’s important for her to help improve each patient’s comfort with the imaging examination that they’re undergoing.
Donna also values the thanks and hugs she receives from grateful patients.
How did you choose a career in medical imaging?
I graduated from the Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology with my diploma in radiography in 1988. I then wrote my Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists certification examination, which allows a technologist to work in Canada.
How did you come to work at GRH?
Part of my training involved learning at a clinical site. In June of 1987 I walked through the doors of what was KW Hospital for the first time in my life. Upon graduation, I was offered a job share part time position in the radiology department as an x-ray technologist.
What's your current role?
I currently work full time as a CT technologist in what is now medical imaging. I also work in the emergency department’s general x-ray area on some evenings. As a CT technologist I do work on-call through the night. I am also IV certified and can provide support on procedures requiring intravenous infusions.
What do you enjoy about your role?
EVERYTHING!! I chose this profession because I enjoy physics, biology and people. I LOVE the patients. They are usually very grateful to get their scan done and I am proud that I am able to do that for them.
I truly enjoy working on a skilled team. If I can get a hug from a patient at the end of their exam, I know I've made them happy, regardless of why they are here.
Cancer, illness, and the unknown about your health can be a very scary time for patients. If their CT scan can be less scary, I have achieved my goal.

How has medical imaging changed in your time at the hospital, or your career in general?
I have worked in the best 30 years of radiography and have seen the most incredible changes. We developed x-ray film in one of our four darkrooms including one in the operating room. A single sheet of film took three minutes to go through the processor, accompanied by that wonderful smell of chemicals.
Today, we are wireless and digital so the image appears on the monitor in a few seconds, available almost immediately to all doctors who have secure access to a computer. When I started in CT, it took exactly 27 minutes to take an image of a spine. That same acquisition today is about seven seconds.
Our number of staff has increased incredibly as well, as medical imaging grows to serve our community's needs.
What makes you excited about your role, or what keeps you on your toes?
CT works closely with critical care areas within GRH. Requests from our intensive care units, the emergency department, the stroke program and cancer program keep our CT department extremely busy. Many days I wish I worked on commission only!
We have been extremely fortunate to continually upgrade our CT scanners as they become older. Our newest scanner is amazing and a remarkable asset to GRH.
Constantly learning new procedures, new techniques, and best practices makes for a dynamically exciting career. Scanning a challenging case or pediatric cases are the best!
I consider myself blessed because I have spent almost two-thirds of my life here at GRH as a technologist. Every day, I say to myself, "I love being medical radiation technologist. I LOVE my job.” Not many people can say that.