Grand River Hospital doesn’t operate in isolation from our community. We’re fortunate to have a board of volunteer members dedicated to advancing exceptional care in Waterloo Region.
A recent addition to our board is Larry Kotseff. He’s giving his time to provide oversight to the hospital’s governance decisions and offer his wisdom in future directions.
Larry is the senior executive of land development for Fusion Homes based in southwestern Ontario. He has worked in project management, planning, communications and human resources management to name just a few roles.
Larry realizes the vital importance of a well-run hospital. While the hospital’s management team provides day-to-day operational leadership, board members such as Larry apply a governance lens to the hospital’s services and help plan the overall direction of GRH in Waterloo Region.

What interested you in serving on GRH’s board?
The role that the Grand River Hospital plays in our community and the value that it brings to individuals having need for its use are not only important but also significant. I view the hospital as a real community asset that has a number of challenges facing it on a go forward basis.
I would like to assist in the change process to make our hospital even more successful.
Volunteerism in the community is very rewarding and an important part of my life in giving back to the community. The hospital environment has always attracted my interest and I share the passion of the many people affiliated with it.
I was appointed to the board of directors in June of 2016 and attended my first full board meeting in September. I’d also served on the board of St. Mary’s General Hospital for several years.
So far, how would you reflect on your time on the GRH board? Is it what you expected?
So far, the journey has been a positive and enthusiastic learning experience. Working with board members and senior staff has been both very informative and truly quite refreshing. I feel that my views are both welcomed and appreciated.
The importance of identifying the significant challenges ahead, keeping the community informed on hospital initiatives, focusing on patient care and safety and upholding good governance practices are a few of the key issues that have come to the forefront.
How does the board help the hospital to be effective?
I see the Board’s role as a key and strategic governance body providing strong leadership in helping the hospital to become even more effective in delivering services to our community.
What’s the biggest thing that you’ve learned from being on GRH’s board?
Our collective challenge from a governance perspective is to build on the gains and successes that Grand River Hospital has made while at the same time doing more with less.
In order to address such a challenge I feel we need to become financially sustainable. To do this, we need to challenge the status quo, think outside the box and embrace change.
What do you look forward to doing with the board during your tenure?
I look forward to this board making a difference to those hospital issues dealing with funding shortfalls, capital planning for the long term and continuous improvement to patient care and safety.
With the numerous challenges ahead facing the board and Grand River Hospital, it will be important to engage with the community on an ongoing basis in order to best understand needs related to care.